
  • The dreaded bald spot. Perhaps the most stereotypical of all hair loss conditions. It’s often depicted in popular culture as the most common form baldness and a sign of the onset of middle-age.This is, in many ways, an unfair characterisation. Bald spots seem severe and, in many instances, they are. But, more often than not, they are treatable, especially if addressed early.

    The truth is that bald spots are an effective warning sign – wake-up call even – for men to take their hair and its care more seriously. Your hair might not be around forever, especially if it’s not taken care of, and treated like the organ it is.

    What Is A Bald Spot?

    A bald spot is a small area – often circular or ‘spot’ shaped, although it can manifest itself in more unusual forms – of total hair baldness on the scalp or elsewhere. In other words, the hair follicles underneath that area refuse to grow hair. Although it can occur in women, it is more common and noticeable when it affects men.

    Men who develop bald spots, perhaps in part due to the associations with bald spots from negative portrayals in culture, typically feel a host of negative emotions.

    These can include:

    • Sadness and even depression at the thought of more hair loss
    • Feeling self-conscious about their age, due to the (incorrect) associations between hair loss and ageing
    • Low self-esteem about their physical appearance, and how their bald spot may change perceptions of them

    Causes of Bald Spots

    There are many obvious, and some not so obvious, causes for the sudden or gradual onset of bald spots.

    Far-and-away the most common form of bald spot comes from alopecia areata. Thankfully, it’s also one of the most treatable and least severe forms of alopecia. Ironically, another term for alopecia areata is spot baldness.

    There’s a whole host of reasons as to why a man might contract alopecia areata. Some of these can be prevented, others are, unfortunately, down to predisposition.

    These causes include:

    • Genetic predisposition: almost all men are, to a certain extent, predisposed to some level of hair loss.
    • Hormonal imbalances: due to emotional factors such as high levels of stress, men can experience hormonal imbalances, which can lead to development and aggravation of alopecia areata

    Treating Bald Spots

    Fortunately, bald spots are a very minor manifestation of alopecia. In fact, they’re extremely treatable.

    At Advanced Hair Studio, take one of our complimentary advanced hair checks and we’ll be able to provide you with the right guidance for treatment options for your bald spot.

    Some of our industry-leading treatments include our Advanced Hair Fibres, Laser Hair Growth Treatment and our world-class Strand-By-Strand technology.

If you’re looking for hair restoration, we are the premier provider of medically-backed hair restoration treatments in Australia. Our techniques are scientifically-tested and proven to work. We don’t just seek to restore hair by replacing it; we also seek to treat the root cause and create the scalp and follicle health you need to regrow and restore your own hair.

Hair Restoration Treatment for Men

  • Strand-by-Strand®: This method restores your hair strand by strand. This gives you a natural-looking restoration because each new strand is matched perfectly to the strand next to it.
  • Laser Therapy: Our Laser Therapy can help to restore your hair by getting your scalp in the right condition to start growing hair again. We do this by combining sophisticated laser technology, scalp and hair treatment and FDA-approved pharmaceuticals.
  • Advanced Hair Fibres: If you’re thinning on top, you can get an instant hair restoration simply by brushing through our Keratin Thickening Fibres. The fibres form a strong bond with your hair to make it thicker, and the bond is so thick that you don’t have to worry about wind disturbing the look.
  • Advanced Singular Hair Grafting: Our Hair Grafting restores your hairline, without anyone knowing you’ve had surgery. There’s nothing worse than a visible restoration, so we’ve created a surgery option that looks entirely natural.
  • Stem Cell Hair Technology Factors: This program delivers the highest concentration of active cell signal proteins on the market. The program also: unblocks the follicle entrance, reduces excessive oil, kills bacteria caused by dandruff and inflammation, and increases nutrients to the scalp and restores the appearance of hair colour.

Hair Restoration Treatments for Women

  • Advanced Laser Therapy: Our Advanced Laser Therapy for women has a 90% success rate, and it works in the same way as our male treatment. It encourages a healthy scalp and creates the perfect environment for hair growth.
  • Strand-by-Strand®: This is our premier hair restoration solution. It gives women the ability to enjoy all the favourite styles and wear them with confidence because it restores hair strand by strand and looks natural from every angle.
  • FlashPoints®: Hair extensions are a contentious form of hair restoration because they can look terrible. You don’t have to worry about that with our FlashPoints® extensions. They don’t require any wax, glue or weaving so you won’t have to worry about damaging your other hair, and they’re reusable!
  • Stem Cell Hair Technology Factors: This program delivers the highest concentration of active cell signal proteins on the market. The program also: unblocks the follicle entrance, reduces excessive oil, kills bacteria caused by dandruff and inflammation, and increases nutrients to the scalp and restores the appearance of hair colour.

Other Treatments and Products For Hair Restoration

  • Hair and Scalp Fitness Range: The hormone, DHT is responsible for shutting off the signals that force follicles to grow hair. Serenoa blocks the production of this hormone, so your follicles will continue to grow hair and offset the loss. We include Serenoa in our hair and scalp fitness product, and the range is topped off by an Advanced Laser Helmet and an AHS-FP Antioxidant.
  • Stem Cell Hair Technology Factors: Our ‘Growth Factors’ lock into your follicles to reactivate any dormant follicles, expel any blocking oils and create an environment for hair to push through and grow again.

Contact Advanced Hair Studio United Kingdom For Hair Restoration

Hair restoration is within reach. Don’t resign yourself to a future of balding or thinning hair. Take advantage of our treatment options.

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Hair and stress are inextricably linked, both in reality and in culture. Think of anyone that’s stereotypically stressed, and you’ll probably be picturing them tugging at or pulling their hair out.

But why is that? What exactly is it about stress that’s so intimately linked with hair loss?

The Physiological Effects of Stress

Although stress is generally considered to be an emotion, akin to anxiety, worry or concern; it can actually translate to some very real physiological effects. In that way stress transcends the emotional, and can have some significant impacts on our bodies.

Here are some of the effects that stress can have on the body:

  • Stress can lead to poor sleep, which diminishes academic and physical performance
  • It makes our muscles more tense, leaving us in a constant state of guardedness and paranoia (this can manifest itself through migraines and chronic back pain)
  • It can hurt our breathing, creating complications and issues within our respiratory systems
  • Gastrointestinal consequences, such as a near-constant state of nausea
  • Increased release of the stress hormone cortisol
  • Negative effects on the cardiovascular system
  • Substantial, sudden hair loss

The Relationship Between Stress and Hair Loss

As has been shown, too much stress can have horrific consequences on the human body. In terms of hair loss, high levels of anxiety can trigger many different types of hair loss conditions.

Stress can lead to forms of alopecia; to telogen effluvium (more hairs than normal fall out); and to trichotillomania, among many others.

In addition to these concerns, times of high stress levels can lead to weaker, more brittle hair, which can be more susceptible to falling out.

Despite the extent of correlation between high levels of stress and anxiety and hair loss, it’s worth nothing that not all hair loss can be attributed to stress. In fact, hair loss can occur for a slew of reasons. Some of these reasons can be explained, others can’t be.

With such a variety of different causes for hair loss, it’s never been more important to seek out professional help. If you’re experiencing hair loss, and aren’t sure how to proceed, it’s time to find the right information.

Male pattern baldness is a common condition that affects all men as they age. The condition is marked by a progressive thinning of the hair that eventually leads to baldness. The pattern baldness usually starts at the temples, and the hairline before the crown of the head begins to thin.

In some cases, the baldness can cover the entire crown of the head, which only leaves hair on the sides and back of the head.

What Causes Male Pattern Baldness?

Testosterone is the most important male sex hormone, and it is used for a variety of purposes ranging from sexual function to puberty as well as creating the features that are typical of men, including facial and body hair.

Testosterone is converted to DHT in the body, and DHT reacts with various organs, including hair follicles. Hair follicles are especially sensitive to DHT and create hair follicle miniaturisation which makes hair follicles thinner and shorter as each growth cycle passes. This creates the gradual process of balding on the scalp that is typical of male pattern baldness.

How Common is Male Pattern Baldness?

Most men lose hair as they age, with 20% suffering significant balding in their 20s, while 30% will lose hair in their 30s and 40% in the 40s.

Is There a Male Pattern Baldness Treatment?

Yes, and Advanced Hair Studio has it. While we can’t cure the underlying chemical reactions that cause male pattern baldness, we can help you to regrow your own hair or devise a hair restoration procedure that suits your needs. Our treatments include:

  • Strand-by-Strand®: If you’re in the early stages of hair loss, we can reverse your balding by matching strands to your existing strands. We match each strand to an existing strand to create a seamless hair restoration process.
  • Advanced Laser Therapy: You can take advantage of our combined Advanced Laser Therapy and Stem Cell Hair Technology Factors at home treatment, which has been proven to increase hair growth by 90%.
  • Advanced Hair Thickening Fibres: If male pattern baldness is just beginning to cause thinning, you can use Thickening Fibres to make it look instantly thicker. The keratin fibres create a strong bond with your hair meaning they stay in place.
  • Advanced Singular Hair Grafting: Baldness often begins at the hairline, and we can restore it with our celebrated Hair Grafting technique. You’ll have a completely restored hairline without anyone knowing you’ve had surgery.

Many men solemnly accept hair loss – in some form or another – as a near-certain inevitability at some point in their lives.

The truth is, everyone, not just men needs to confront the fact that we’re all very likely to experience a type of hair loss condition in our lives.

For women, this is extremely difficult. Unlike bald men, which society accepts as perfectly normal, and sometimes even positive, bald women are looked down on.

Although heads of hair are tied to all human identities, it’s seen as especially important for women. Throughout history, long hair – typified by fairy-tales such as Rapunzel – has come to be represented as one of the most female traits.

It’s no wonder that when women begin to lose their hair, they can sometimes feel as though they’re losing much more.

Causes of Female Hair Loss

There are just as many causes for female hair loss as there are for male hair loss. Although men and women share many causers in common; there are also several conditions unique to women, both in their causes and in the ways that they affect.

Some of the most common hair loss causes that women share with men include:

  • All of the most common forms of alopecia; such as alopecia areata, alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis
  • Poor lifestyle factors such as excessive drinking and smoking, and a lack of adequate nutrition, hygiene and exercise
  • The lack or regular, quality, long-lasting sleep also affects both men and women’s chances of losing their hair

Here are some causes that are unique to women:

  • The imbalance of female-specific hormones, such as estrogen can disrupt hair growth
  • Additionally, women undergoing the hormonal changes of menopause can frequently lose hair as a side-effect
  • During pregnancy and just after child birth, women experience extreme changes and variance both in the growth and thickness of their hair

Consequences of Female Hair Loss

The effects—both psychological and physiological —of female hair loss can be pronounced. The cosmetic, aesthetic consequences of female hair loss can lead to some intensely negative emotions in women – which will only compound and worsen their hair loss, as well as their likelihood of recovery.

Women losing their hair typically feel:

  • Sadness, in some cases even symptoms of depression
  • Shame and embarrassment, feelings of abnormality
  • A loss of self-esteem and confidence, especially with regards to personal and professional relationships

How Advanced Hair Studio Treats Female Hair Loss

At Advanced Hair Studio, we know there can’t be a one-size-fits-all approach.
The notion that hair loss is exclusively a male-problem has long been dispelled, and we have a host of world-class treatment options to stop, and eventually reverse your hair loss.

Just some of our female hair loss treatment options include Advanced Laser Therapy, Strand-by-Strand and Flashpoints.

Contact Advanced Hair Studio United Kingdom For Hair Replacement

Rest assured, you can replace your thinning or balding hair. Advanced Hair Studio has over 500,000 happy customers who will attest to this.

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Stem Cell or PRP Hair Therapy is a misunderstood – and frequently maligned – treatment option for hair loss. Despite being relatively new to the field, in just a short time it’s managed to revolutionise the way we both perceive and treat hair loss issues.

Read on to discover what exactly Stem Cell or PRP Hair Therapy is, and how Advanced Hair Studio’s Revolutionary Stem Cell Hair Technology Factors can help you on the path to recovering your hair.

A History of Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy involves the use of stem cells: undifferentiated cells which can be used to specifically target and treat an array of issues within the human body.

That’s because they can develop into a huge variety of cell types during their early life. When people don’t have enough of a specific type of cell, stem cells can usually be used to restore those cell levels up to normal standards.

Although they were first discovered in the 1860s, it wasn’t until around a hundred years later, in the 1960s, that the potential of stem cells was first unearthed and exploited. Since then, they’ve played an evolving role in our understanding of medicine, and the medical field’s ability to treat disease.

Today, stem cell therapies are now being used to treat a host of diseases, including: arthritis, autoimmune diseases, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries and diabetes.

Despite the versatility and effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy, it wasn’t until recently that it’s potential for use in the hair loss field was explored.

How Stem Cells Work On Hair

Because stem cells can differentiate into almost any type of cell, they can be used to regenerate hair cells and follicles.

This make it the ideal treatment for the following diseases:

The potential for stem cells to change the lives of the sufferers of these diseases is enormous. That’s why Advanced Hair Studio has developed our world-leading Revolutionary Stem Cell Hair Technology Factors.

How Do The Revolutionary Stem Cell Hair Technology Factors Work?

At Advanced Hair Studio, we take the growth factors that are naturally produced within your own body. Growth factors regulate cell division and survival. This program helps hair regrowth, and can also address and reduced excessive oil in hair; dandruff caused bacteria, reducing inflammation; unblock the follicle entrance and restore nutrients to the scalp.

The 10 Week, at-home Stem Cell Hair Technology Factor Program couldn’t be simpler. Apply the formula once a week, and apply the serum twice a week. The program can also be combined with our Laser Hair Regrowth Treatment for maximum effectiveness.

At the conclusion of the program, you will be stunned by the regeneration of your hair thanks to our Revolutionary Stem Cell Hair Technology Factors.

You don’t have to live a life without hair.

Contact Advanced Hair Studio for Stem Cell Therapy Information

We know how to help you regrow more hair. We’ve done this all over the world, and our treatments have helped over 500,000 people. All our procedures are designed by hair loss doctors and have been subjected to intensive scientific testing. We know they work and we know they can help you and your thinning hair.

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Everyone knows someone with a widow’s peak. However, what they might not know is that; although plenty of widow’s peaks are perfectly harmless and naturally occurring, many widow’s peaks can be more concerning, as a sign of future hair loss.

If that is the case, it’s important to understand not just why getting rid of a widow’s peak is an option, but also how it can be done.

Widow’s Peaks and Their History

The term ‘widow’s peak’, refers to the V-shaped protrusion of the hairline towards the forehead.

It occurs as a result of hair growth being focused and concentrated towards that one specific protrusion.

The term itself derives from the hood worn by freshly widowed women, in mourning of their lost husbands. People then started terming the V-shaped hair protrusions after their similarity to those hoods. Other myths warned that women with widow’s peak hairlines would be doomed to becoming widowers.

It’s not surprising then, considering their early association with death, that widows peaks have carried negative, nefarious connotations since their naming.

Fictional characters such as Count Dracula, The Joker and Hannibal Lecter have all been described as having widow’s peaks. Throughout popular culture’s history then, the widow’s peak has become popularly associated with evil and ill-will.

When To Be Concerned

Many widow’s peaks – for men and women ¬– are completely normal and naturally occurring. They’re just one of many different types of hairlines that exist. So if you were born with a widow’s peak, there’s no need to be concerned.

What is a cause for concern however, is if you begin to develop a widow’s peak on your hairline that you’ve never had.

This is an early sign of hair loss, in both men and women; a signal that your hairline is beginning to recede. Because hair loss typically begins at the temples, a widow’s peak is generally a good indicator of impeding hair loss.

When people start to get widow’s peaks that they’ve had, they can feel a whole host of emotions:

  • Confusion: not understanding the changes that they’re hair line is undergoing, or understanding what it means
  • Embarrassment: being ashamed to face what’s happening, and being unwilling to seek help and advice
  • Stress and sadness: which only exacerbates the acceleration of hair loss

What Can Be Done

Thankfully, it’s never too late to reverse the effects of hair loss. In fact, the early detection of an impending widow’s peak is a definite way to improve the chances of meaningful hair recovery.

Discovering a widow’s peak that wasn’t there before is indeed stressful, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. At Advanced Hair Studio, we have the proven treatments and solutions to stop that widow’s peak in its tracks, and bring your hairline back to what it should be.

The period shortly after pregnancy is fraught with the nervousness and stress of taking care of a newborn child. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the times in which women are likeliest to experience some form of hair loss.

At best, that increases the stress of new parenthood; but at worst, it can lead to a variety of negative consequences including the onset of postpartum depression and the gradual worsening of hair loss.

What Is Postpartum Hair Loss?

Postpartum hair loss is classified as the loss of hair in a woman shortly after she gives birth to a child.

The rate and extent to which hair is lost when postpartum hair loss comes as a shock to many women.

This is because:

  • Society has associated womanhood with hair, so losing it can threaten a new mother’s sense of femininity
  • The period following childbirth is a very stressful one; so if a woman begins to lose her hair she may misdiagnose her postpartum hair loss as something more extreme, such as alopecia
  • During pregnancy, a woman’s hair is far thicker and fuller than usual. Upon childbirth and at the onset of postpartum hair loss, many women become confused by the sudden loss of thickness that they had grown accustomed to

What Are The Causes Of Postpartum Hair Loss?

Typically, women begin to notice postpartum hair loss around three months after giving birth. The causes are largely hormonal.

There are roughly two phases of hair growth. The first, anagen, is a growth phase; while the second, telogen, is a resting phase. During pregnancy, women receive far more growth hormones than usual, which leads to a far greater amount of hair than normal.

The inverse happens following childbirth. Hormonal changes are that far more hairs than usual enter the resting phase; die and fall off the scalp.

Treatment Methods

What’s worth noting is that this happens to almost every new mother. In many instances, postpartum hair loss is a perfectly natural and normal part of motherhood; and shouldn’t be met with much concern.

Having said that, in certain women, postpartum hair loss can last for far longer than usual, with far more dramatic and negative consequences than in other women.

If your postpartum hair loss is still ongoing by the time your baby has reached twelve months old, that’s a good indicator that it’s time to consult a hair-care professional.